Source code for

from numpy import (
from pandas import read_csv
import numpy as np
import re
import dask.array as da
from typing import List, Optional
import xarray as xr
import admix
import dapgen
import os
import pandas as pd

[docs]def read_lanc(path: str) -> """Read local ancestry with .lanc format Parameters ---------- """ lanc = return lanc
[docs]def read_dataset( pfile: str, lanc_file: str = None, snp_info_file: str = None, indiv_info_file: str = None, n_anc: int = None, snp_chunk: int = 1024, ) -> admix.Dataset: """Read a dataset from a directory. Parameters ---------- pfile: str PLINK2 file prefix, pfile.snp_info will also be read and combined with .pvar lanc_file: str local ancestry file, if not provided, `read_dataset` will attempt to find it with <pfile>.lanc snp_info_file: str SNP info file, if not provided, `read_dataset` will attempt to find it with <pfile>.snp_info indiv_info_file: str individual info file, if not provided, `read_dataset` will attempt to find it with <pfile>.indiv_info n_anc: int number of ancestries, if not provided, `read_dataset` will attempt to infer from the local ancestry file snp_chunk: int chunk size for reading the SNP info file (default: 1024) Returns ------- Dataset """ # infer local ancestry file if lanc_file is None: if os.path.exists(pfile + ".lanc"): lanc_file = pfile + ".lanc" if lanc_file is not None: lanc = else: lanc = None # infer SNP info file if snp_info_file is None: if os.path.exists(pfile + ".snp_info"): snp_info_file = pfile + ".snp_info" if indiv_info_file is None: if os.path.exists(pfile + ".indiv_info"): indiv_info_file = pfile + ".indiv_info" geno, pvar, psam = dapgen.read_pfile(pfile, phase=True, snp_chunk=snp_chunk) dset = admix.Dataset(geno=geno, lanc=lanc, snp=pvar, indiv=psam, n_anc=n_anc) if snp_info_file is not None: df_snp_info = pd.read_csv(snp_info_file, index_col=0, sep="\t") assert ( len(set(dset.snp.columns) & set(df_snp_info.columns)) == 0 ), "SNP info file columns must not overlap with dset columns" dset._snp = pd.merge( dset.snp, df_snp_info.reindex(dset.snp.index), left_index=True, right_index=True, ) if indiv_info_file is not None: df_indiv_info = pd.read_csv( indiv_info_file, index_col=0, sep="\t", low_memory=False, ) assert ( len(set(dset.indiv.columns) & set(df_indiv_info.columns)) == 0 ), "there should be no intersection between dest.indiv.columns and indiv_info.columns" dset._indiv = pd.merge( dset.indiv, df_indiv_info.reindex(dset.indiv.index), left_index=True, right_index=True, ) return dset
def read_vcf( path: str, region: str = None, samples: List[str] = None ) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: """read vcf file and form xarray.Dataset Parameters ---------- path : str path to vcf file region : str, optional region to read, passed to scikit-allel, by default None Returns ------- xarray.Dataset xarray.Dataset, if no snps in region, return None """ import allel import xarray as xr vcf = allel.read_vcf( path, region=region, samples=samples, fields=["samples", "calldata/GT", "variants/*"], ) if vcf is None: return None gt = vcf["calldata/GT"] assert (gt == -1).sum() == 0 # used to convert chromosome to int chrom_format_func = np.vectorize(lambda x: int(x.replace("chr", ""))) dset = xr.Dataset( data_vars={ "geno": (("indiv", "snp", "ploidy"), da.from_array(np.swapaxes(gt, 0, 1))), }, coords={ "snp": vcf["variants/ID"].astype(str), "indiv": vcf["samples"].astype(str), "CHROM": ( "snp", chrom_format_func(vcf["variants/CHROM"]), ), "POS": ("snp", vcf["variants/POS"].astype(int)), "REF": ("snp", vcf["variants/REF"].astype(str)), "ALT": ("snp", vcf["variants/ALT"][:, 0].astype(str)), "R2": ("snp", vcf["variants/R2"].astype(float)), "MAF": ("snp", vcf["variants/MAF"].astype(float)), }, ) return dset def read_digit_mat(path: str, filter_non_numeric: bool = False, nrows: int = None): """ Read a matrix of integer with [0-9], and with no delimiter. Parameters ---------- path : str path to the matrix file filter_non_numeric : bool, optional whether to filter out non-numeric characters, by default False nrows : int, optional number of rows to read, by default None Returns ------- np.ndarray matrix of integer """ if nrows is None: if filter_non_numeric: with open(path) as f: mat = np.array( [ np.array([int(c) for c in re.sub("[^0-9]", "", line.strip())]) for line in f.readlines() ], dtype=np.int8, ) else: with open(path) as f: mat = np.array( [ np.array([int(c) for c in line.strip()]) for line in f.readlines() ], dtype=np.int8, ) else: assert filter_non_numeric is False mat = np.array( [ np.array([int(c) for c in line.item()]) for line in pd.read_csv(path, nrows=nrows, header=None).values ], dtype=np.int8, ) return mat def read_gcta_grm(file_prefix) -> dict: """ Reads the GRM from a GCTA formated file. Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str The prefix of the GRM to be read. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the GRM values. - grm: GRM matrix - df_id: ids of the individuals - n_snps: number of SNP """ bin_file = file_prefix + ".grm.bin" N_file = file_prefix + ".grm.N.bin" id_file = file_prefix + "" df_id = read_csv(id_file, sep="\t", header=None, names=["sample_0", "sample_1"]) n = df_id.shape[0] k = asarray(fromfile(bin_file, dtype=float32), float64) n_snps = asarray(fromfile(N_file, dtype=float32), int64) K = zeros((n, n)) K[tril_indices_from(K)] = k K = K + tril(K, -1).T return { "grm": K, "df_id": df_id, "n_snps": n_snps, }
[docs]def read_rfmix( path: str, df_snp: pd.DataFrame, df_indiv: pd.DataFrame, ): """ Assign local ancestry to a dataset. 2-way, 3-way admixture are all supported. Parameters ---------- lanc_file: str Path to local ancestry data. geno: xr.DataArray genotype matrix df_snp: pd.DataFrame SNP data frames Returns ------- lanc: da.Array Local ancestry array """ # assign local ancestry df_rfmix = pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t", skiprows=1) assert ( np.unique(df_rfmix["#chm"]).shape[0] == 1 ), "rfmix can only contain one chromosome" assert ( np.unique(df_snp["CHROM"]).shape[0] == 1 ), "df_snp can only contain one chromosome" assert set(df_rfmix["#chm"].values) == set( df_snp["CHROM"].values ), "rfmix and df_snp must contain the same chromosome" # read the 2 haplotype, the value of those haplotype corresponds to the local ancestry lanc0 = df_rfmix.loc[:, df_rfmix.columns.str.endswith(".0")].rename( columns=lambda x: x[:-2] ) lanc1 = df_rfmix.loc[:, df_rfmix.columns.str.endswith(".1")].rename( columns=lambda x: x[:-2] ) assert ( np.any([col.endswith(".2") for col in df_rfmix.columns]) == False ), "There are columns with .2 in the rfmix file (not expected), please raise an issue" lanc = lanc0.astype(str) + lanc1.astype(str) df_rfmix_info = df_rfmix.iloc[:, 0:3].copy() # extend local ancestry to two ends of chromosomes if necessary df_rfmix_info.loc[0, "spos"] = min( df_snp["POS"][0] - 1, df_rfmix_info.loc[0, "spos"] ) df_rfmix_info.loc[len(df_rfmix_info) - 1, "epos"] = max( df_snp["POS"][-1] + 1, df_rfmix_info.loc[len(df_rfmix_info) - 1, "epos"] ) assert np.all(df_indiv.index == lanc.columns) n_indiv = len(df_indiv) n_snp = len(df_snp) rfmix_break_list = np.zeros(df_rfmix_info.shape[0], dtype=int) # [start, stop) of SNPs for each rfmix break points # find the RFmix break points in coordinates of SNP location chunk_stop = 0 for chunk_i, chunk in df_rfmix_info.iterrows(): chunk_mask = np.where( (chunk.spos <= df_snp["POS"]) & (df_snp["POS"] < chunk.epos) )[0] if len(chunk_mask) > 0: chunk_stop = chunk_mask[-1] else: # use the previous chunk stop if no SNP in this chunk admix.logger.warning(f"No SNP found in {chunk_i}-th region of RFmix") chunk_stop = chunk_stop rfmix_break_list[chunk_i] = chunk_stop # find break points in the data chunk_pos, indiv_pos = np.where(lanc.iloc[1:, :].values != lanc.iloc[:-1, :].values) # convert to SNP positions snp_pos = rfmix_break_list[chunk_pos] values = lanc.values[chunk_pos, indiv_pos] # append values at the end of the chromosomes snp_pos = np.concatenate([snp_pos, [n_snp - 1] * n_indiv]) indiv_pos = np.concatenate([indiv_pos, np.arange(n_indiv)]) values = np.concatenate([values, lanc.iloc[-1].values]) # snp_pos, indiv_pos, values are now triples of break points break_list = [] value_list = [] # convert to .lanc format for indiv_i in range(n_indiv): indiv_mask = indiv_pos == indiv_i # +1 because .lanc denote the [start, stop) of the break points indiv_snp_pos, unique_mask = np.unique( snp_pos[indiv_mask] + 1, return_index=True ) indiv_values = values[indiv_mask][unique_mask] break_list.append(indiv_snp_pos.tolist()) value_list.append(indiv_values.tolist()) return, values=value_list)
def read_joint_pca(pca_prefix: str, ref_pfile: str): """ Read joint PCA results. Parameters ---------- ref_pfile : str reference panel pfile prefix pca_prefix : str joint pca results prefix. {pca_prefix}.eigenvec, {pca_prefix}.eigenval will be read Returns ------- df_pca : pd.DataFrame PCA results eigenval : np.ndarray eigenvalues """ df_pca = ( pd.read_csv(f"{pca_prefix}.eigenvec", delim_whitespace=True) .set_index("IID") .drop(columns=["#FID"]) ) with open(f"{pca_prefix}.eigenval") as f: eigenval = np.array([float(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()]) df_pop = pd.read_csv(ref_pfile + ".psam", delim_whitespace=True, index_col=0) assert ( "SuperPop" in df_pop.columns and "Population" in df_pop.columns ), f"SuperPop and Population columns are required in the reference panel {ref_pfile}.psam file" df_pca["SUPERPOP"] = df_pop["SuperPop"].reindex(df_pca.index) df_pca["POP"] = df_pop["Population"].reindex(df_pca.index) # make sure SAMPLE is not in SUPERPOP or POP assert "SAMPLE" not in df_pca["SUPERPOP"].unique() assert "SAMPLE" not in df_pca["POP"].unique() df_pca["SUPERPOP"] = df_pca["SUPERPOP"].fillna("SAMPLE") df_pca["POP"] = df_pca["POP"].fillna("SAMPLE") # reorder SAMPLE to the bottom of the data frame df_pca = pd.concat([df_pca[df_pca.POP != "SAMPLE"], df_pca[df_pca.POP == "SAMPLE"]]) return df_pca, eigenval