- admix.simulate.quant_pheno(dset: Dataset, hsq: float, cor: float | None = None, n_causal: int | None = None, beta: ndarray | None = None, cov_cols: List[str] | None = None, cov_effects: List[float] | None = None, n_sim=10) dict [source]¶
Simulate continuous phenotype of admixed individuals [continuous]
- Parameters:
dset (admix.Dataset) –
- Dataset containing the following variables:
geno: (n_indiv, n_snp, 2) phased genotype of each individual
lanc: (n_indiv, n_snp, 2) local ancestry of each SNP
hsq (float) – Variance explained by the genotype effect
cor (float) – Correlation between the genetic effects from two ancestral backgrounds
n_causal (int, optional) – number of causal variables, by default None
beta (np.ndarray, optional) – causal effect of each causal variable, by default None
cov_cols (List[str], optional) – list of covariates to include as covariates, by default None
cov_effects (List[float], optional) – list of the effect of each covariate, by default None for each simulation, the cov_effects will be the same
n_sim (int, optional) – number of simulations, by default 10
- Returns:
beta (np.ndarray) – simulated effect sizes (2 * n_snp, n_sim)
phe_g (np.ndarray) – simulated genetic component of phenotypes (n_indiv, n_sim)
phe (np.ndarray) – simulated phenotype (n_indiv, n_sim)