Phenotype simulation¶
admix simulate-admix-pheno \
--pfile <plink file prefix> \
--hsq <heritability> \
--cor <correlation> \
--n-causal <number of causal SNPs> \
--out-prefix <output prefix>
Parameter options¶
- admix.cli.simulate_admix_pheno(pfile: str, hsq: float, out_prefix: str, cor: float = 1.0, family: str = 'quant', n_causal: int | None = None, p_causal: float | None = None, case_prevalence: float = 0.5, seed: int | None = None, snp_effect: str | None = None, n_sim: int = 10)[source]¶
Simulate phenotypes using a pgen file for admixed individuals.
- Parameters:
pfile (str) – Path to the pgen file
hsq (float) – Heritability
out_prefix (str) – prefix to the output file, <out>.pheno, <out>.snpeffect will be created
cor (float) – genetic correlation across local ancestries
family (str) – phenotype type to simulate, either “quant” or “binary”
n_causal (int) – Number of causal variants to simulate
p_causal (float) – Proportion of a causal variant
case_prevalence (float) – Prevalence of cases, default 0.5
seed (int) – Random seed
beta (str) – Path to the beta file
n_sim (int) – Number of simulations to perform