Source code for admix.dataset._dataset

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from xarray.core.dataset import DataVariables
import admix
import dask
from typing import (
from ._index import normalize_indices
import warnings

[docs]class Dataset(object): """Data structure to contain genotype and local ancestry."""
[docs] def __init__( self, geno: Optional[da.Array] = None, lanc: Optional[da.Array] = None, snp: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, indiv: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, n_anc: int = None, dset_ref=None, snp_idx: Union[slice, int, np.ndarray] = None, indiv_idx: Union[slice, int, np.ndarray] = None, enforce_order: bool = True, ): if dset_ref is not None: # initialize from reference data set if isinstance(snp_idx, (int, np.integer)): assert ( 0 <= snp_idx < dset_ref.n_snp ), "SNP index `{snp_idx}` is out of range." snp_idx = slice(snp_idx, snp_idx + 1, 1) if isinstance(indiv_idx, (int, np.integer)): assert ( 0 <= indiv_idx < dset_ref.n_indiv ), "SNP index `{indiv_idx}` is out of range." indiv_idx = slice(indiv_idx, indiv_idx + 1, 1) for name, idx in zip(["snp", "indiv"], [snp_idx, indiv_idx]): if isinstance(idx, slice): assert ( (idx.start is None) or (idx.stop is None) or (idx.start < idx.stop) ), f"Slice `{idx}` is not ordered." if idx.step is not None: assert idx.step > 0, f"Slice `{idx}` is not ordered." elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray): if enforce_order: assert np.all( idx == np.sort(idx) ), f"idx=`{idx}` is not ordered according to dset.snp.index" else: raise ValueError( f"`{name}_idx` must be a slice or a numpy array of integers." ) if name == "snp": df_subset = dset_ref.snp.iloc[idx, :].copy() self._snp = df_subset elif name == "indiv": df_subset = dset_ref.indiv.iloc[idx, :].copy() self._indiv = df_subset else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown name {name}") with dask.config.set(**{"array.slicing.split_large_chunks": False}): self._xr = dset_ref.xr.isel(snp=snp_idx, indiv=indiv_idx) else: # initialize from actual data set # assign `geno` and `lanc` assert geno is not None, "`geno` must not be None" data_vars: Dict[Hashable, Any] = {} data_vars["geno"] = (("snp", "indiv", "ploidy"), geno) n_snp, n_indiv = geno.shape[0:2] if lanc is not None: assert geno.shape == lanc.shape assert isinstance(lanc, da.Array), "`lanc` must be a dask array" data_vars["lanc"] = (("snp", "indiv", "ploidy"), lanc) # assign `indiv` and `snp` if snp is None: self._snp = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.RangeIndex(stop=n_snp)) else: self._snp = snp if indiv is None: self._indiv = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.RangeIndex(stop=n_indiv)) else: self._indiv = indiv self._xr = xr.Dataset( data_vars=data_vars, coords={"snp": self._snp.index, "indiv": self._indiv.index}, ) # assign attributes if ("lanc" in self._xr) and (n_anc is None): # infer number of ancestors n_anc = int(lanc[0:1000, :, :].max().compute() + 1) self._xr.attrs["n_anc"] = n_anc else: self._xr.attrs["n_anc"] = n_anc self._xr.attrs["path"] = None
# self._check_dimensions() # self._check_uniqueness() def _check_dimensions(self) -> None: """ Check that all dimensions are unique. """ pass def _check_uniqueness(self) -> None: """ Check that all dimensions are unique. """ pass def __repr__(self) -> str: descr = ( f"admix.Dataset object with n_snp x n_indiv = {self.n_snp} x {self.n_indiv}" ) if "lanc" in self._xr: descr += f", n_anc={self.n_anc}" else: descr += ", no local ancestry" if len(self.snp.columns) > 0: descr += "\n\tsnp: " + ", ".join([f"'{col}'" for col in self.snp.columns]) if len(self.indiv.columns) > 0: descr += "\n\tindiv: " + ", ".join( [f"'{col}'" for col in self.indiv.columns] ) return descr @property def n_indiv(self) -> int: """Number of individuals.""" return self._xr.dims["indiv"] @property def n_snp(self) -> int: """Number of SNPs.""" return self._xr.dims["snp"] @property def n_anc(self) -> int: """Number of ancestries.""" return self._xr.attrs["n_anc"] @property def data(self) -> DataVariables: """Number of individuals.""" return self._xr.data_vars @property def indiv(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """One-dimensional annotation of observations (`pd.DataFrame`).""" return self._indiv @property def snp(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """One-dimensional annotation of observations (`pd.DataFrame`).""" return self._snp @property def geno(self) -> da.Array: """Genotype matrix""" return self._xr["geno"].data @property def lanc(self) -> da.Array: """Local ancestry matrix""" return self._xr["lanc"].data @property def xr(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the xr.Dataset used internally""" return self._xr def allele_per_anc(self) -> da.Array: """Return the allele-per-ancestry raw count matrix""" assert "lanc" in self._xr, "Local ancestry information is not available." return geno=self.geno, lanc=self.lanc, n_anc=self.n_anc, center=False ) def af_per_anc(self, force=False) -> da.Array: """ Return the allele frequency per ancestry (n_snp, n_anc) nhaplo_per_anc will also be computed / updated. Parameters ---------- force : bool If True, force re-computation of the matrix. """ if ("af_per_anc" not in self._xr) or force: res = geno=self.geno, lanc=self.lanc, n_anc=self.n_anc, return_nhaplo=True, ) self._xr["af_per_anc"] = ("snp", "anc"), res[0] self._xr["nhaplo_per_anc"] = ("snp", "anc"), res[1] return self._xr["af_per_anc"].data def nhaplo_per_anc(self, force=False) -> da.Array: """ Return the number of haplotype per ancestry (n_snp, n_anc) af_per_anc will also be computed / updated. Parameters ---------- force : bool If True, force re-computation of the matrix. """ if ("nhaplo_per_anc" not in self._xr) or force: res = geno=self.geno, lanc=self.lanc, n_anc=self.n_anc, return_lanc_count=True, ) self._xr["af_per_anc"] = ("snp", "anc"), res[0] self._xr["nhaplo_per_anc"] = ("snp", "anc"), res[1] return self._xr["nhaplo_per_anc"].data @property def uns(self) -> MutableMapping: """Unstructured annotation (ordered dictionary).""" uns = self._xr.attrs.get("uns", None) return uns def persist(self): """persist the lazy data to memory""" for name in ["geno", "lanc"]: if name in self._xr: self._xr[name] = ( self._xr[name].dims, da.from_array(self._xr[name].data.compute(), chunks=-1), ) def append_indiv_info( self, df_info: pd.DataFrame, force_update: bool = False ) -> None: """ append indiv info to the dataset, individual is matched using the self.indiv.index and df_info.index. Missing individuals in df_info will be filled with NaN. Parameters ---------- df_info : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the indiv info force_update : bool If True, update the indiv information even if it already exists. """ if len(set(df_info.index) - set(self.indiv.index)) > 0: admix.logger.warn( "admix.dataset.append_indiv_info: " f"{len(set(df_info.index) - set(self.indiv.index))}/{len(set(df_info.index))}" " individuals in the new dataframe not in the dataset;" " These individuals will be ignored." ) if len(set(self.indiv.index) - set(df_info.index)) > 0: admix.logger.warn( "admix.dataset.append_indiv_info: " f"{len(set(self.indiv.index) - set(df_info.index))}/{len(set(self.indiv.index))}" " individuals in the dataset are missing in the provided data frame." " These individuals will be filled with NaN." ) df_info = df_info.reindex(self.indiv.index) # for every column in df_info, if it is not in the dataset, add it to the dataset # else, check the consistency of between df_info and dataset, if not consistent, raise error for col in df_info.columns: if col in self.indiv.columns: is_allclose = np.allclose(self.indiv[col], df_info[col], equal_nan=True) if not is_allclose: if force_update: f"admix.dataset.append_indiv_info: " f"{col} is updated from {self.indiv[col].values[0:5]} ..." f"to {df_info[col].values[0:5]} ..." ) self._indiv[col] = df_info[col] else: raise ValueError( "admix.dataset.append_indiv_info: " f"The column '{col}' in the provided data frame is not consistent " "with the dataset." ) else: self._indiv[col] = df_info[col] def append_snp_info(self, df_info: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ append snp info to the dataset, snp is matched using the self.snp.index and df_info.index. Parameters ---------- df_info : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with the snp info """ if len(set(df_info.index) - set(self.snp.index)) > 0: # raise warning warnings.warn("Some SNPs in the `df_info` are not in the dataset.") df_info = df_info.reindex(self.snp.index) # for every column in df_info, if it is not in the dataset, add it to the dataset # else, check the consistency of between df_info and dataset, if not consistent, raise error for col in df_info.columns: if col in self.snp.columns: assert np.allclose( self.snp[col], df_info[col] ), f"The column {col} in the `df_info` is not consistent with the dataset." else: self._snp[col] = df_info[col] def __getitem__(self, index) -> "Dataset": """Returns a sliced view of the object.""" snp_idx, indiv_idx = normalize_indices(index, self.snp.index, self.indiv.index) return Dataset(dset_ref=self, snp_idx=snp_idx, indiv_idx=indiv_idx)
def is_aligned(dset_list: List[Dataset], dim="snp"): """Check whether the datasets align with each other. Parameters ---------- dset_list : List[Dataset] List of datasets to check dim: str Dimension to check. Either "snp" or "indiv" """ if len(dset_list) == 0: return assert dim in ["snp", "indiv"], "dim must be either 'snp' or 'indiv'" if dim == "snp": df_snp_list = [dset.snp[["CHROM", "POS", "REF", "ALT"]] for dset in dset_list] return np.all([df_snp.equals(df_snp_list[0]) for df_snp in df_snp_list[1:]]) elif dim == "indiv": df_indiv_list = [dset.indiv for dset in dset_list] return np.all( [df_indiv.equals(df_indiv_list[0]) for df_indiv in df_indiv_list[1:]] ) else: raise ValueError("dim must be either 'snp' or 'indiv'")